When it comes to Pay-Per-Click (PPC), Google Adwords and Facebook Ads is undoubtedly the two very commonly used platform in today’s digital marketing industry. In this blog, you will be getting valuable information on the differences between these two platforms, in order for you to make the right decision for your business.
First and foremost, decide on your objectives! Think about what you really want to achieve through this marketing campaign.
If increasing brand awareness is your overall goal, Facebook advertising would be a better choice as your ads will be appearing on your target audiences’ news feed without needing them to search for your product. For example, if you are organizing a clothes swap event, Facebook Ads is it as people will become aware of your event whenever your ads appear on their news feed, hence, letting more people know about your event.
On the other hand, if generating leads & sales are your goals, Google Adwords is probably a better choice. This is because with Google Adwords, you will be appearing on the search engine results page when a user searches for a product you sell. Hence, users already have the intent of getting something when the search for it, so the probability of them purchasing your product is much higher. For example, if you are running a locksmith business, Google Adwords is it! When people loses their key and is looking for immediate help, they will most probably search for “locksmith near me” on Google, and your ads will appear at the right time, gaining you a new business.
Next, you would want to think about your budget.
For Facebook advertising, it is almost always that the cost-per-click (CPC) is lower as compared to Google Adwords. Although the CPC can range from less than a dollar to more than 5 dollars, some researches have proved that Facebook has a lower CPC than Google Adwords in general.
For Google Adwords, the cost-per-click (CPC) is relatively higher. According to WordStream, the average cost-per-click (CPC) on this platform is $2.32 across all industries. On this platform, the cost-per-click really depends on your industry. Hence, the CPC can range from a dollar to more than 10 dollars. By using the keyword planner, you might be able to see the suggested bid for your keywords, giving you a brief idea on how much you would spend.
There are several ad formats available when you advertise on Facebook, which includes video, image, canvas, carousel, slideshow and more. No matter which ad format you decide to use, you can make them as visually appealing as possible by choosing attractive images, using emoticons in your text ad, write a detailed description and select a call-to-action button. You are able to provide as much information as you want, in a very casual way, depending on your business objectives.
On the other hand, Google Adwords text ad has limitations. Your text ad’s heading 1 and heading 2 has a 30 character limit while your description has a 80 character limit. You might not be able to be as detailed on Google Adwords text ad, but there is an option for you to add sitelink extensions which includes call extension, callout extension, location extension, sitelink extension, structured snippet extension and more. Below, you will find a brief description of each ad extension.
- Call extension: a phone number
- Callout extension: additional details such as unique selling points
- Location extension: show your store’s location by entering an address
- Sitelink extension: additional links that can be added to your search ad
- Structured snippet extension: highlights specific aspects of your products
On Facebook, you are able to target your audience very specifically by choosing their interest, behaviours, location, age, gender, education, workplace, lookalike audiences and more. In addition, you can custom your audiences by including a set of people or excluding them.
On Google Adwords, the main way to target your audience is by keywords. Keywords are terms that people enter in Google while searching for something, hence, choose keywords that are highly relevant to your product or services. Other than keywords, you can change the location, language settings and ad schedule while setting up the campaign, or even better, change them anytime throughout your campaign.
By now, you should probably have a clearer understanding on both Facebook Ads and Google Adwords. There is no exact solution to which platform is better, since it all depends on your business. Hence, think about your objectives and budget first, and consider the other factors that would help to support your decision.
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