Facebook Advertising has many rules and guidelines about landing pages, appropriate targeting, image rules and many more. Hence, if you do not follow Facebook’s guidelines, your ads will certainly be rejected and do not appear on Facebook.
Recently Facebook has changed the 20% text rule and it is such a big news for all marketers and Facebook advertisers which need to take note about it. Keep reading for more details!
What is the 20% Text Rule?
Facebook has set a rule stating that text can not make up more than 20% of the image of your Facebook Ad. They have a grid tool to measure exactly how much of your text takes up on your image to save you from trouble.
What has Changed?
Without even alerting the advertisers, Facebook has made changes to the 20% text rule. Instead of having a “approve” or “disapprove”, your Facebook ad image now will fit into one of the four classifications ranking depending on the amount of text overlay. The four classifications are:
– Ok
– Low (higher than OK)
– Medium
– High
Facebook prefers minimal text or no text in an image:
Images have been classified as low have a slightly restricted reach with a “low” amount of text on the image:
The classification of “medium” is about Facebook ad images with medium text, your ads might not even be displayed.
If your ad image is pushing the limits and using “too much” text, in this case your ad may not get it shown on Facebook. So, don’t do this! Facebook won’t reject you ads but your ads might not reach anyone.
Keep in mind, the following points are count as text on your image:
– Text-based logos
– Watermarks
– Numbers
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